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Version: 3.0.0


Install Monitoring Agent to an Instance

  • The Monitoring option can be found on the left side of the portal.
  • The screen displays a pop-up menu. To Install Monitoring Agent to an Instance, click on the Instance option from the menu.
  • Monitoring-Instance page appears on the screen.
  • At right side of the panel user can see a option called Enable Monitoring click on it to Enable the Monitoring to the instance.
  • Enable Monitoring screen appears.
  • Select Instance - To enable monitoring, select the instance to which monitoring t be enabled.
  • Public IP - Instance IP addresses are automatically filled in after the instance got selected.
  • SSH port and Agent Port - SSH port and Agent Port are automatically filled after the instance has been selected.
  • You can select the authentication for the instance in which a user can take creditionals from the instance details page.
  • Its possible to take a Password from Instance details Page.
  • Copy the password and paste it on Root Password and Click on Enable Monitoring.
  • Monitoring has been Enabled Successfully.