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Version: 3.0.0


Overview of Load Balancer in Stackbill Cloud Management Portal.

A load balancer can be deployed as software or hardware to a device that distributes connections from clients between a set of servers. A load balancer acts as a ‘reverse-proxy’ to represent the application servers to the client through a virtual IP address (VIP). This technology is known as server load balancing (SLB). SLB is designed for pools of application servers within a single site or local area network (LAN).

Add a load balancer to an instance in StackBill Cloud Management Portal.

  • Click on the Network dropdown button below the Compute icon, Which is available in the top left corner. from the dropdown, Click on Load Balancer, to create a new Load Balancer.
  • Load balancer screen appears.
  • On the right side of the panel you can see a option called Create Load Balancer option, Click on it.
  • Add Load Balancer option appears on the screen.
  • As a first step enter a name and description for the load balancer that you create.

Network & IP Address

  • Here you select the network and IP address for the Load Balancer.
  • Create Forwarding Policy & Algorithm
  • Policy name - Give a Policy name.
  • Select the protocol and assign a Port number for both load balancer and instance.

Choose Algorithm and Sticky Sessions

  • Choose your Load Balancer algorithm for the traffic distribution.
  • Select the sticky session as per the requirement.

Attach Instance

  • Attach the policy to the required instance and click Save policy button in the below.
  • Now the Load balancer Policy has been created successfully.
  • Once the policy has been created successfully click on Create Load Balancer button which available on the below.
  • The load balancer has been successfully configured on the instance.
  • It is now possible to view the created policy on the Loadbalancer dashboard.