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Version: 3.0.0

Deleting Instance

Deleting Instance from Stackbill CMP

  • To delete an instance of Stackbill CMP, follow the steps below.

  • Step 1 - Click on the Compute option from the side menu of the portal and select Instance.

  • Now the instance page appears on the screen.
  • Make sure the instance is in the stopped stage before selecting it.
  • Click on the Instance so that you can view a summary page of the particular instance.
  • Click on the Summary option from the menu.
  • A delete option can be found on the panel's right side. Just click it.
  • Now the Destroy VM option appears on the screen.

Step 1 - On the first step the user wants expunge the all associated resources.

Step2 - On the second step the user wants to confirm to delete the instance by entering the name of the VM.

  • Finally click on Destroy button.
  • Now the instance has been deleted successfully.